Harley Owners Group (H.O.G.) is operated by the Harley-Davidson Motor Company. Their motto is “Ride and have fun.”
It has over a million members and in excess of 1400 Chapters, making it the world’s largest factory-sponsored riding club.
If you ride a Harley in Sydney, or are contemplating getting onto one, consider joining the Sydney H.O.G. Chapter.
You will experience great camaraderie and ride roads you never knew.
Joining information
You must be a member of HOG International to join a HOG Chapter.
Purchase of a new H-D motorcycle normally includes a free year of HOG International membership.
After that first year, or if buying used, it’s $95 per year for the rider and $60 for a non-riding partner (associate member) with various discounts for autorenewal and life membership.
You can join HOG International here -
With that sorted come back to the membership section of the Sydney Chapter website -
Once there you can join Sydney HOG for $40 per year.