Patch placement
Each H.O.G. Chapter has its own rules for the placement of patches on the back of riding vests.
The Sydney Chapter, in general, supports people attaching almost anything they want to their vests/jackets.
There are many different styles and it’s a personal thing.
However a member is not allowed to attach a top rocker, centre patch and a bottom and/or side rocker to emulate the appearance of a 1%, Outlaw or "Bikie" motorcycle club.
The Chapter is absolute in ruling that a vest/jacket which emulates 1%, Outlaw or "Bikie" motorcycle club is not acceptable on Sydney Chapter rides or events at any time.
You will be asked to remove such a vest/jacket on a Chapter ride or event if you arrive wearing one.
The practice can, and has, caused unwanted attention from 1% clubs and risks a situation which the Chapter will not defend.
Please respect this requirement on Chapter rides for the good of all members.
Patch placement in the format pictured above is allowed however please note it is not mandatory or even suggested by the Chapter. Many members do not place any Chapter patches on the back of their vests or jackets, reserving that space for events or places they've visited.